Thursday, December 3, 2009

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

Evening blog land.

Well I realized today that there have been some things I have been meaning to show you that haven't made the blog yet. Not much news though. I have looked through my pictures and it totally reminded me of things to show everyone!

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These are my Day one pictures from WW. I will be taking the same poses this Saturday for my one month weigh in. I am feeling ok about this weigh in. If I can stay the same I will be happy (I ate a piece of pizza today!)


This is the cross-stitch I am currently working on. This is with out any of the backstitching and I am very excited how well it turned out pictures wise. I will update everyone when it is finished.


And here is my living room all decorated for Christmas. I love my sleigh with my Sears stuffed toys!

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My village is a work in progress I hope to find some snow this year for it. And I would love to get a picture of the lights in action (they are multi function that Dean loves!) but I don’t think I will turn out right.

So now I am going to eat supper, I went to the gym and had a huge NSV; I ran for 15 out of 25 minuets on the treadmill today! Yay me!

Oh yes I also finally joined Twitter to enter into a draw from Things to do for Two. So follow me, my user name is hollyoneday.

Have a good night everyone!


  1. My Dad's Christmas village now stands at about 175 houses with almost 1000 little pieces. From a working skating rink and ski street lights and train that rides through a tunnel. My Uncle constructed a wooden insert for his basement to accomodate the train! I wish you well on your village journey!

  2. Good idea to post progress pics, they're really awesome to look back at!

    I love your Village, Jaime just posted her the other day and I SOO want to start one. Where do you buy them houses?

    Yah for joining Twitter too! :)

  3. Love your little village! Too cute.

    Mine is just a set from Costco but I love it.

  4. I really love the village - I want to start collecting too!
