About Me

My name is Holly and I am 25 years old. I live in Nova Scotia with my amazing husband Dean and my kitty Caspian.
We got married in September 2009, and we have recently bought our first house and are in the process of making it our own.
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I work as a Registered Nurse and Dean is a Chef. We are striving to be healthy and happy. We have many goals we wish to accomplish both together and independently. I look forward to sharing some of those goals publicly in an effort to be accountable and maybe inspire people along the way!

In 2011 I had a busy year, I lost my mother at the age of 55. It was suddun and very sad, I have been dealing with it in my own way and can say I am doing well. 2011 was also a great year, I got pregnant! We are excpecting our first little bundle of joy in June and are very excited! I  have alot I want to do in the next few years and I only hope that I find the motivation to do it!