Monday, February 9, 2009

Sick weekend, happy WI

Ok so I posted Thursday, and I went to work Friday, nothing much to report, wasn't feeling great but I was ok.

Saturday I went to work and got sent home, I was ill and at work they had the flu so better to avoid spreading it. I got home around 10 and Dean was still at home. I didn't do to much, ate a bit, and slept and rested.

Yesterday Dean was determine to make me better so he made me eat a full breakfast, which was rough to get through, and to go for a walk. But that didn't last long as the sidewalks in our area are very poorly cleared and were slush. Once we got home friends of ours asked if we wanted to go swimming. I thought it was a great idea and dean conquered his fear of the changing room, lol. We swam for about 30 mins, I wasn't pushing myself but it felt good to do. Then we went to Starbucks for some coffee and catch up time. Then went to a movie, it was pretty good. And to supper at Moxie's, a new place here in Hali. The food was pretty good and reasonable priced. I will definitely go back. Then home to bed for us.

This morning was my WI, and I lost! 2.5 lbs! And we did our measurements and I lost 6.5 inches in a month, which I am very happy with! So now I am re motivated and hope to make it a good week and try to get most of my exercise in and my second week running!

1 comment:

  1. 2.5 lbs is awesome Holly, congrats!!!

    We had a great time yesturday BTW ;)
