Thursday, June 10, 2010


I have a quickie post for you to share some random thoughts;

  • I had Boston Pizza for supper tonight… the meal was ok, the time spent away from home with the hubby was worth every cent.
  • Hubby totally broke my mouse for me laptop, so I now have a pretty new wireless blue one.
  • Interpersonal communication is very important.
  • So is relaxation.
  • I might possible work 16 hours tomorrow so I can make an extra 200 dollars.
  • Taxes suck.
  • If we follow the budget we should be out of here in 10 months…
  • 10 months is a very VERY long time.

And now it’s off to bed. Thank god tomorrow is Friday!


  1. I heart my cordless mouse. I will never buy a corded one again...even went so far as to buy a cordless one for my work computer. ;)

    Glad you and Dean had a great dinner out. Sounds like you just need to plan lots of cheap, fun dates/outing for the next 10 months. We're going on a strict budget too.

  2. Follow the budget! Ten months will fly by.

    I like your list :)
