Well I am back to the world of blogging. I really had to analyze why I was blogging and what I was gaining from it. Here is what I learned;
- I don’t care who follows me or if I gain more or lose some. I am doing this for me.
- While I like comments they are not necessary to show I am doing well.
- This had been a useful tool to document the last little while in my life, and I am hoping to make it more of a journal.
So I am blogging for me, plain and simple.
Now on to what’s been going on in my life. Well I have had a few weeks of gains (0.2 lbs each week). I was really discouraged at having no gym membership and my loving husband came up with a plan.
The plan is pretty simple. He created a meal plan, which includes lots of fruit and veggies and for the last 2 days I have been following it I have been on POINTS. The other step is some simple exercise at home. For me this week it has been 2 girlie push-ups, 5 crunches, 10 leg raises, 10 side leg raises and 5 minuets of arm weight exercises of my choice.
Let me tell you I HATE the push-ups but overall I see it as a good thing and I hope that it will help in the long run and plan to increase the amount of things and reps at I get stronger and get this into my routine.
I have also decided that when my WW subscription is up that I will not be going back. I will still count my POINTS, but have found it hard to get to meetings and with the purchase of a new scale soon I will weigh in at home on Sunday morning.
I hope to blog and my plan right now is to take pictures of all most of my food. Like I said this is a journal for me and I am going to try to be completely honest with my thoughts and feelings.
So on to today. Dean worked and I was all alone for meals, but with his meal plan in hand I think I did pretty good. (Keep in mind I get 26 POINTS a day).
Breakfast was a veggie and egg scramble (1 egg and 1 white) and yogurt and a few black berries. Total 3 Pts. 
After breakfast I cleaned up and got supper in the slow cooker (more on that later). Then just kicked around on the couch playing Star Ocean. I switched the laundry and then folded it. Then there were some cookies… 7pts worth! So why did I eat the cookies? Well they have been a real temptation to me for the last little while and there were only 5 left. I was going to have 3, and did and then went back for the final cookies. The good thing is they are now gone, and no more will be purchased until ever! Then it was time for Lunch
A bean burrito with salsa and cheese (6.5) and some cauliflower with a drizzle of low-cal cucumber dressing (0). 
After lunch I went for a walk with my mom and dog. We have a “loop” which we walk and it takes about 20 minuets. I would only ever count it as 1 Activity Point and to be honest that is pushing it.
After we got back there was more lounging and relaxing, and soon Dean was home and it was time for supper!
Mashed Potatoes, Mashed Carrot and Turnip and slow-cooked roast beef! MMMMMM! Total for meal; 9.5.
Add it all up and it equals 26 POINTS.
Awesome. So my goal for this week is pretty simple. Do my exercises, try to get out for a little extra, and track EVERYTHING. Even if I don’t photograph it all it will all be written in my tracker. And I will weigh in next week on my scale (hopefully new) Sunday Morning.
The rest of the evening we are relaxing and I hope to get some more read of Still Alice. I am on training days tomorrow and Tuesday so I don’t have to wake up so god-awful early.
To tomorrow and beyond!