Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sick Sunday

OMG I hate being sick!

I did have a good weekend though, couldn’t let that stop me! Yesterday we didn’t do a whole lot we headed over to Lynn and J’s and relaxed with them. The boys played some video games and me and Lynn just talked about stuff.

I forgot to mention that she was nice enough to come to my Papa’s funeral and I so appreciated it. Thank you!!!

Dean made an awesome supper. Sticky Lemon Chicken, from Gordon Ramsey's cookbook, Dean idolizes him and he really does have some good recipes, even though they sometimes need alot of ingredients. We shared a bottle of wine and watches a stand up comedy act. We had started to watch a movie but we all started falling asleep.

This morning I woke up sick, uck. We had alot of Laundry to do, which is mostly all done, and we went to get groceries. Dean made some yummy brownie muffins for the week, and he is making pasta for supper tonight! I am so excited, I just hope I can taste it through this cold!!

This week I will be heading back to work and I just know that I will be busy and have a crazy week. But as long as I feel better it will be good because I will get to be occupied.

Hope everyone has a good week!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! Hope you're feeling better soon. Sorry you lost someone so dear to you.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and you're high five on the run :)
