I am waiting for hubby to come home and after doing everything I wanted to accomplish today I thought I would post.
I only started blogging in 2009. I started blogging because friends of mine where and said it was a great way to be accountable. I don’t feel this way, I do feel blogging is a good way of getting thought and feelings out. I also use it to share success. I have changed alot since 2009 but never thought of this as a “Weight loss blog” or even a “Healthy living blog.” It is simply my blog, me taking it one day at a time, posting when I want, and sharing what I want.
To say I wasn’t influenced by others would be a lie. There was a time I got upset because I didn’t have alot of followers or get alot of comments. That has since passed. Alot of people in blogland have either stopped blogging or talked about not blogging or changed the way they view blogging. For me I will continue sharing my experience to finding a better me. I guess I would count as a “Healthy Living blog” and maybe even a “Weight loss blog” but I don’t see me that way. I am what I am and I am thankful for the followers I have and the comments I get. It is nice to know someone is out there!
That is all, but maybe think about what flavour blog you have and see if it’s what you really want. I am definitely more a journal then anything else, I just write to an audience. Even if it’s just my self in a year or two!
Ok now onto the glories of today!
This morning I used our central Vac for the first time, its a thing a genius! We have laminate floor throughout but totally beat sweeping with the broom, plus it was fun to chase that cat around with it!
After cleaning I decided to have some fun, bring in the hobbies!
Other than my hobbies on the computer I also love reading, cross-stitching and playing video games! I was at one time cross-stitching so much that I made a blog, but I since had lost the motivation to work on my projects. Well today I picked up all three hobbies!
I cross-stitched this morning and watched Anne of Green Gable The Sequel. By the end of it I was in tears, I am such a softy.
After that I had some lunch and then decided to try out my soaker tub. Let me tell you that thing is beautiful. I sat in a bubble bath for about 40 minuets reading my book. It was sooo relaxing! After my bath I headed back downstairs to get the Xbox 360 hooked up to the internet, after doing that I played around for a bit. Now I am getting chilled and waiting for hubby to come home. Not sure what is up for tonight but I was thinking maybe going out and getting some Starbucks unless he brings me some home!
Tomorrow we are having our Thanksgiving dinner and my mom is coming over. I am excited to show her the house now that all our stuff is mostly put away! Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!